Make Every Hall A Home
Advocacy & Outreach
Member Engagement
Chair: Lauryn Schumann
Vice Chair: Trex Jones
Mission Statement:
Select Advocacy Initiatives for RHA
Create and maintain partnerships with other Orgs
Chair: Jacob Wilner
Vice Chair: Lallie Lima
Mission Statement:
Create content RHA social media
Take photos at RHA events
Chair: Urja Mehta
Vice Chair: Olivia Frankiewicz & Emma Taylor
Mission Statement:
Connect members w/leadership opportunities
Set up leadership events
Plan GBMs, Kickoff, and Winter Summit
Promote inclusive language & action in RHA
National Affairs
Chair: Ernesto Estela
Vice Chair:
Mission Statement:
Prepare bids for regional and national leadership conferences
Chair: Olivia Frankiewicz
Vice Chair: Kori Lenzmeier
Mission Statement:
Create pre-prepared events for hall councils (including sample descriptions & budgets)
Create sample events with inclusive focus (In partnership with community outreach committee)
Plan social events for members
Facilitate multi-hall events
Chair: Olivia Frankiewicz
Vice Chair:
Mission Statement:
Manage RHA's involvement in orientation activities
Help the HC Elections Committee promote RHA to new first-year students