Make Every Hall A Home
National & Regional Involvement
GW RHA is affiliated with the Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (CAACURH), which is a region of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH). GW RHA has worked to increase their participation in CAACURH over the past few years through attending conferences, bidding for awards, and participating in online CAACURH chats and social media events.
Past Bids
Here are some previous bids we have submitted for various awards.
Our bid for Program of the Year at RLC in 2019.
Our bid for Program of the Year at RLC in 2019.
Previous Awards
NACURH | School of the Year 1990
CAACCURH | School of the Year 1991
NACURH | School of the Year 1991
CAACURH | No Frills Conference Host 1992
CAACURH | Program of the Year 2009
CAACURH | Commitment to Service 2010
NACURH | Outstanding Advocacy Initiative 2012
CAACURH | Student Award for Leadership Training 2014
CAACURH | Regional Conference Host 2015
CAACURH | School of the Year 2015
The George Washington University | Student Organization of the Year 2015
CAACURH | Outstanding Advocacy Initiative 2020
CAACURH | RHA Building Block 2020